A Peek at the Road Ahead: Features in the Next Two Releases of Sansar


Photo by Ryan Hefner on Unsplash

Jenn, the Community Manager for Sansar, has posted to the official Sansar blog about some features Linden Lab expects to deliver in the next couple of releases of the software. This is a big deal! To my knowledge, this is the first time that Linden Lab has actually gone on record about upcoming features past the upcoming release.

So, what can we expect? The next release (expected at the end of September/beginning of October), will include the following features:

  • keyword searching of the Sansar Altas within the software client;
  • a new Featured tab for experiences picked by an editorial team;
  • new branding options in the Sansar Store;
  • improved item sorting in the Sansar Store;
  • desktop (non-VR) users will be able to pick up, carry, and throw objects.

And in the release after that (expected at the end of October/beginning of November), the following is promised:

  • searching for people (and adding friends) by name;
  • a new Events section in the Sansar Atlas;
  • changes that will make it easier to publish your experiences;
  • new references for Sansar’s controls in both desktop and VR mode.

To discuss these and other changes to Sansar, please feel free to join both the official and unofficial Sansar Discord channels! There’s a lot more people on the official Discord server, but the conversation is a bit more freewheeling on the unofficial server. Join either or both, it’s up to you! It’s the best way to stay informed as to what’s going on with Sansar!

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