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Sansar Store Spotlight: Twisted Tree with Grassy Base

This is the first of a series of regular blogposts I will be doing, where I spotlight an item available from the Sansar Store. Today’s item is a Twisted Tree with Grassy Base, created by Sansar landscape artist Alex Skye (known as Alex Bader, owner of Studio Skye in Second Life: Marketplace). It sells for S$350, which is about $3.50 American or $4.44 Canadian. You can visit Alex’s new studio experience in Sansar, Floating Isles of Skye, to see his tree in-world:

Or you can come over to my Ryan’s Garden experience to see where I planted it. From the spawn point (the spot where you arrive), just go around to the other side of the white stone fence, turn left, and follow the island’s shoreline and you can’t miss it! Here are some shots of Alex’s mesh handiwork. I especially like the little details, such as the tiny daisies sprouting from the mound of soil at the base of the tree.

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