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UPDATED! Second Life Steals, Deals, and Freebies: Everything at Sweet Evil Is Free!

I received a tip via the Freebie Queens Discord server, that everything at the Sweet Evil in-world store was free, so last night I went down to check it out.

I am having some trouble coming up with a politically correct way to describe the majority of the womenswear for sale at Sweet Evil. Suffice it to say that I have rarely encountered such a comprehensive array of skin-baring outfits in one store! Not my particular style, but your mileage may vary…after all, many would argue that if you have the perfect body in Second Life, why not show it off? However, wearing a lot of this clothing will certainly get you tossed out of clubs with strictly-enforced dress codes, such as Bray’s Place (my community of choice), where you are requested to keep your nipples, vagina, and asscheeks covered.

However, especially among the tops, I was able to pick out several more modest items. Much of the apparel comes in two versions, one with patterns and another with a colour tinting HUD. Here’s an example, an underwire tank top which comes in a tintable cotton texture, a tintable satin texture, and a one version with a patterns HUD:

All you have to do is right-click on the vendor panels, and select the Deliver option when a blue menu appears in the upper right-hand-corner of your viewer (do not left-click and select Pay; that way you have to pay L$1 for each item).

Below, Vanity Fair is wearing the Tight Turtleneck, which offers you a variety of 15 preset colours for each of the body, sleeves, and turtleneck separately, plus a colour HUD to allow you to tint it to match any outfit. Very versatile!

You should also know that word has obviously gotten out since yesterday, and the Sweet Evil store was much busier today than it was when I paid my visits yesterday evening. Today, I also found that the overwhelmed CasperVend systems in the store took as long as 20 to 30 minutes to deliver some items, and some items were delivered multiple times. So please set aside an hour if you are going to come ransack the store, okay? 😉

Also, I can find no information, either in the store or in the store group, about why the owner is holding this giveaway, nor how long we can expect it to last. Is it a Black Friday sale? (Can you call it a sale if it’s all free?) Who knows. So, if you are in the market for skimpy, skin-revealing clothing, you might want to pop into Sweet Evil soon. Here’s your taxi.

UPDATE 9:21 p.m.: Well, over the past two hours, I have received so many erroneous, duplicate deliveries from the CasperVend panels at Sweet Evil that I had to mute messages from the store. So be warned, the CasperVend system at Sweet Evil is completely overwhelmed and malfunctioning badly.

UPDATE Dec. 4th, 2020: A couple of people have informed me that the Sweet Evil store has now permanently shut down.

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