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Metaverse Newscast Season 2 Episode 1: Ryan Interviews Jason Moore and Chris McBride of the MetaMovie Project in NeosVR, Talking About Their Latest Production, Alien Rescue

I am happy to announce that the long-awaited season 2 of the Metaverse Newscast has begun! For our first episode of the second season, I interviewed Jason Moore and Chris McBride of the MetaMovie project! We talked about their latest immersive theatre production, called Alien Rescue, which I had previously reviewed here (October 2021).

You can see all eight episodes of season one of the Metaverse Newscast here on YouTube. I first interviewed Chris McBride in episode 5 (March 2019), and Jason Moore in episode 7 (May 2019) of the first season, so this new episode feels like reconnecting with old friends to see what they’ve been up to!

I’d like to thank Carlos Austin, my co-producer and director for this season, along with Victor Posa, who did additional camerawork. Oh, and I do apologize for my avatar in this episode! I used one of the mouth-enabled robots from the avatar setup room in Neos, to use with my Vive Facial Tracker, but I didn’t realize until after we stopped filming that my avatar’s tongue was sticking out a lot of the time! (Oh well, live and learn! I’ll probably switch to a different avatar the next time we record in NeosVR.)

For more information about the MetaMovie project, and to buy tickets for Alien Rescue, please visit the MetaMovie website. You can also join the MetaMovie Discord server, or follow the project on social media: Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

Stay tuned for episode 2 of season 2, an interview with the new CEO of Sansar, Chance Richie!

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