Atlas Hopping Episode 18 with Strawberry and Drax!

Drax and Berry led us once again on Episode 18 of Atlas Hopping! A large group of avatars visited four different Sansar experiences this week:

Violin Tree Atlas Hopping 23 Dec 2017

Picture: The Grand Piano in the Lake, Violin Tree

This expedition made me realize that perhaps I am hurrying a bit too much when visiting and blogging about experiences. I am in such a hurry to post to the Sansar Newsblog that I’m not getting the entire experience! That’s a lesson for me. I need to slow down and savour these Sansar experiences, so I can see them as the creator intended!

Violin Tree Atlas Hopping 2 23 Dec 2017

Picture: Brass Instruments in the Tunnel Under the Island, Violin Tree

Mikki Miles Plays the Theremin 23 Dec 2017.png

Picture: Mikki Miles Plays Galen’s Theremin at the Metaverse Machines Showroom

Vanity Fair in RSVF T-Shirt 23 Dec 2017.png

Picture: Me Looking Good in My Free RSVF T-Shirt!

Drax and Berry’s livestreams are very different this week, as they went off to do different things. For example, at the M2D Magic Night experience, Drax went off to an upstairs room in a chalet to interview Theanine one-on-one, so you might want to watch both livestreams this week!

Here’s Drax’s livestream:

And here’s Strawberry’s livestream:

Pick of the Day: Violin Tree (Plus a Sansar Store Spotlight: Galen’s Theremin)

Mikki Miles, my favourite musical instrument maker in Second Life (in-world store, SL Marketplace), has created a new Sansar experience called Violin Tree. In his description he writes:

Inspired by an 40.000 year old boneflute, found in a cave in Southern Germany, I built this island with musical instruments that are somehow familiar, but seem to have taken a bit weird development on this offshore place. It’s a work in progress, come back again! All music and sounds are produced by Mikki Miles.

Violin Tree 1 17 Dec 2017.png

You arrive on a deserted island. To your left is what appears to be a tall tower, and to your right is a tree. As you come closer to the tower, you realize that it is, in fact. an oversize, ivy-covered flute, which plays a somewhat mournful tune as you approach and stand before it.

Violin Tree 2 17 Dec 2017

When you come nearer to the tree, you see that it is growing violins! It also plays music.

Violin Tree 3 17 Dec 2017.png

As Mikki Miles says in his description, this Sansar experience is a work in progress, so do plan to come back to see new musical creations in future!

While we are talking about musical instruments, I also wanted to showcase a particularly clever musical instrument that Galen has created and scripted, called a theremin. It’s an electronic musical instrument controlled by moving your hands around it without actually touching it.

Here is a short video I made of me playing Galen’s theremin at his Metaverse Machines Showroom (you’ll need a VR headset and hand controllers to be able to do this):

Galen’s theremin and the script used to control it are both available for free in the Sansar Store:

Galen's Theremin 17 Dec 2017

Very cool! It certainly looks like we are going to have no shortage of fun, playable musical instruments in Sansar.