Second Life Steals, Deals, and Freebies: Signature is Having a 30% Off Flash Sale on Gianni, Geralt, and Alice Bento Mesh Bodies and Heads!

If you are fan of the Gianni, Geralt, and Alice mesh avatar bodies by Signature, but have held off because of the cost, have I got a deal for you!

As the latest skirmish of the Great Bento War of 2020, Signature has sent out the following announcement via their group:

Today is the chance to get your favourite body discounted 😍

All Signature items, heads and bodies will be up to 50% OFF 🎉

We wish you the best, and as always thank you for your support!

Signature Body, the body for everyone <3


Here’s s SLURL to take you to the Signature store. If you already have a Signature body, perhaps you might be interested in a half-off item from their small selection of clothing for Signature mesh bodies?

Happy shopping! Remember, this promotion ends at 12 noon Pacific Time/SL TIme on May 17th, 2020.

Update 3:48 p.m.: Just an update to say that I have visited the sim to see for myself, and the Giannai and Geralt bodies and heads (which are sold separately) are NOT 50% off; they are only 30% off, selling for L$2,800 each. The Alice body is on sale for 33% off, or L$2,300. However, almost everything else in the store is 50% off.

I note that the notecard above says “up to 50% off”, so this is not really misleading; I just read the card wrong, as many people will no doubt do (and obviously, as Signature is hoping, to drive up traffic to their store).

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