Scene of the Day: The Silence

The Silence Miki Proxima

This image is by Miki Proxima, who writes the blog Meshlogic (here’s a link to her Flickr photostream). The name of the experience pictured by Miki is The Silence, and it was created by a Sansar user known as Omiluo.

This picture was posted to the Flickr group called Sansar Experiences (Travels), where there are already 195 photos of various experiences. Well worth a browse, especially if you are looking for places in-world to travel to!

Pick of the Day: Digital Media Productions

Digital Media Productions 2 9 August 2017

Digital Media Productions is a well thought-out studio space built by Chris Jackson (here’s his web site). When you arrive in this experience, you find yourself in a lobby with several doors leading to various rooms.

Digital Media Productions 5 9 August 2017

Notice the heptagon mats on the floor? They are teleporters. When you walk to a door, and your avatar crosses the heptagon, you are teleported to either a new scene in the same experience (local teleport/blue heptagon) or a different experience (remote teleport/yellow heptagon). This is an intuitive and well-designed system that alone makes a visit to Digital Media Productions worthwhile, just to see how you can tie together various scenes and experiences into a coherent, easily navigable whole.  Bravo Chris!

There are doors to a lounge, a gallery of pictures and sculptures, an R&D workroom, a T-shirt shop (coming soon!) and a room mysteriously marked “Project X“.

Digital Media Productions 4 9 August 2017Digital Media Productions 1 9 August 2017

Digital Media Productions 3 9 AUgust 2017

There are some items in the gallery that I would love to see in the Sansar Store, like the table with the human feet! Chris Jackson has already put some freebies up for sale in the Sansar Store. I’m sure that there will soon be more creations to come from Chris.

Outfit Outlay: Highlander

You know, it’s lonely being the first (and only) fashion blogger in Sansar. Sometimes I feel like I am a million miles away from everyone else, far, far, away in the Highlands….

Highlander Vanity Fair 7 9 August 2017

As I have said in an earlier blogpost, Sansar Studios is currently the only company making and selling avatar clothing in Sansar. Here Vanity Fair is wearing the Highlands Oufit for Female Avatar (S$400) and the Highlands Hair for Female Avatar (S$100) for a total outfit outlay of 500 Sansar dollars for the look you see here. (That works out to about $6.34 Canadian/$5.00 American.)

You might not have known that the hairstyle is tintable to any shade you desire: blonde, brunette, white, black, grey, purple, pink, you name it. To tint your purchased hair, just go into avatar customization, click the little comb icon on the left hand side to bring up the hairstyles palette, then select the hair you want to colour so that your avatar is wearing it.  Click the coloured circle pointed to by the red arrow in the diagram below:

Highlander Vanity Fair Tint Hair Colour 9 August 2017

A colour chart will pop up, and you can select any shade you desire. Easy! I tinted this Highlander hairstyle a lighter brown than the default colour so that it stands out a bit more from the dark brown fur on the collar of this outfit.

Here’s a few close-ups of the amazing cloth, leather and chain-mail texture work on this garment. Check out the fur on those boots! Some poor virtual animal had to suffer 😉

Highlander Vanity Fair 5 9 August 2017Highlander Vanity Fair 6 9 August 2017Highlander Vanity Fair 4 9 August 2017

Appropriately enough, these photos were all taken in the Sansar experience called Highlands.


Scene of the Day: Colossus Rising

This is a great image from Sansar Studios’ experience Colossus Rising, taken by Dennis Obderry and posted to the Flickr group called Sansarian Delight (here’s his Flickr photostream, he has created quite a number of compelling images from Sansar and Second Life). If you’ve never been, go visit Colossus Rising and wander around the remains of a mysterious, ancient civilization in the desert. Be sure to ride the gondolas!

Fun fact: I was among the very first users of Flickr, way, waaay back in 2004, when they were just a tiny Vancouver-based start-up called Ludicorp (this is before they were bought out by Yahoo!). Here’s my Flickr profile. Sad to say I deleted my original account from 2004, but I rejoined in 2015. I haven’t posted very much at all (I have largely moved to Google Photos), but I do plan to post more Sansar images.