Second Life Steals, Deals and Freebies: The Men Only Hunt

While womenswear freebies are plentiful in Second Life, it can often be harder to find high-quality men’s freebies in SL, so I wanted to cover a major hunt that is taking place from now until August 30th, 2021, featuring free hunt prizes from dozens of menswear stores across the grid!

The hunt is called the Men Only Hunt, and you can pick up a free HUD at this SLURL (you’ll have to join the Men Only Hunt – MOH group, which is free to join). The HUD contains all the store locations plus hunt hints, simply attach it and you’re all set to go! You are looking for a yellow-and-black bird in each store; when you find it, click on it, and the prize is yours for free!

For more information, you can check out the hunt website, as well as a Flickr gallery of some (but not all) of the hunt prizes. More pictures of the Men Only Hunt prizes can be found here, from the Second Life – FREE group (this is a little-known-about Russian-language group on Vkontakte, the Russian version of Facebook, which often lists items I don’t see on other freebie blogs; use the Russian-to-English translator in your Chrome browser).

Today, I wanted to show a few hunt prizes which caught my eye. Most prizes come in what I like to call the “big three” of men’s sizes: Belleza Jake, Signature Gianni, and the Meshbody Legacy male mesh bodies.

First up we have two of the three prizes from DUK, the Jack shorts in blue and the Dheego shorts/swimtrunks in green:

Next up is a pairing of two different Men Only Hunt prizes, the black bomber jacket by DUK (sizes: Belleza Jake, Signature Gianni and Geralt, Legacy, Heracles, and Slink) and the grey jeans from CHEERNO (which come in sizes to fit Gianni, Jake, Legacy, and Enzo bodies).

From EVOL comes this wonderful Torei hoodie, which comes with a HUD with a mind-boggling array of options (you can even tint the drawstrings!). If you get nothing else from the Men Only Hunt, please pick up this generous gift!

The hunt prize from Nero N7 is this black top and matching shorts, with a white stripe (sizes: Signature Geralt and Gianni, Belleza Jake, Legacy, and Slink):

The final hunt prize I wanted to share with you today is this shiny crown from Birth, which comes in both static and spinning versions! Be king for a day 😉

If you are tearing your hair out trying to find one of those yellow hunt birds in one of the stores participating in the Men Only Hunt, here’s a pro hunting tip…in the Firestorm viewer, if you press Ctrl-Shift-R, it will turn on wireframe mode (which is essentially X-ray vision). The yellow birds pop out and are much easier to find! Press Ctrl-Shift-R again to toggle it back off. (If this feels like cheating to you, then don’t use this tip.)

UPDATED! Second Life Steals, Deals, and Freebies: Free Male and Female Mesh Full-Body Avatars from Altamura!

UPDATE Sept. 28th: For a current, up-to-date list of free or inexpensive options for mesh avatar heads and bodies for female Second Life avatars, please see this blogpost. For a current, up-to-date list of options for free and inexpensive male mesh avatar heads and bodies, please see this blogpost

Late last year, Altamura very generously gave the Jenny full-body mesh avatar as a free hunt prize in the Women Only Hunt, and the Robert full-body mesh avatar as a free hunt prize for the Men Only Hunt. Altamura has also given out free male (Max) and female (Valentina) mesh bodies at the freebie stores at Ajuda SL Brasil and Unihispana Crea. These are beautifully designed mesh avatar bodies, equal in quality to the much pricier versions available.

Well, the Men Only Hunt and Women Only Hunt are on once again, and this time around, there’s both a male mesh avatar head and body package (Tommy) and a female mesh avatar head and body package (Emanuelle) as FREE hunt prizes!

Altamura MOH and WOH Gifts 3 Aug 2018.png

To get the Tommy full-body mesh avatar, you have to find a black moustache. To get the Emanuelle full-body mesh avatar, you are looking for half a coconut. The hunt officially starts tomorrow, August 4th and runs until August 18th, but I was able to find both hunt prizes already today, Friday, August 3rd.

You don’t need to join a group to get the hunt prizes, but if you do get the Emanuelle female mesh avatar body, there’s also a free set of lipstick appliers, just for it. Just click the panel you see in the picture above the Emanuelle display (you’ll have to join the Altamura Design/Mesh Avatars group for L$50 to get the lipstick appliers).

As I have said before, I have found that clothing designed for the Maitreya Lara mesh avatar body fits the Altamura female body very well, with a minimum of fuss. Also, the Altamura female mesh bodies have Slink-compatible feet, so any shoe designed for Slink feet should work well (the female mesh body gift comes in three foot heights, selectable via HUD: flat, medium, and high). The bodies have Bento hands, and (in a nice touch) Altamura has included a hand AO which cycles natural hand positions, which you can use with your regular (non-Bento) AO. Both bodies also come with a facial AO.

Both Tommy and Emanuelle come with a HUD which allows you a complete set of alpha selections to make any clothes look good. However, you should know that, on the male Tommy avatar, you will not be able to remove the attached head to replace it with another head. However, on the female Emanuelle body, you can remove the head, eyelashes, teeth, and hair and use a different head with the body (like, say, that beautiful new Maia Bento mesh head you picked up for free from Akeruka). Also note that Omega skin appliers will not work with these hunt prize bodies. You are stuck with the single skin tone they have.

Here are a couple of shots of the Emanuelle mesh avatar body so you can see what it looks like (please click on each picture to see it full size):

Here’s the SLURL to take you to the new location of the Altamura store (note that the store has recently moved). If you haven’t bought a mesh avatar body yet because of the cost, this is your perfect opportunity to give it a try, for free! Happy hunting!