Lab Gab: A New Second Life Show with Xiola and Strawberry Linden!

There has been no shortage of shows about the virtual world of Second Life over the 16 years of its existence! One example is the long-running, popular Designing Worlds show with its co-hosts Saffia Widdershins and Elrik Merlin, where they talk about design and interview designers in Second Life.

Today I bring you details on a brand-new, livestreamed show called Lab Gab, starring none other than Xiola Linden, the Community Manager for Second Life, and the recently-hired Marketing Content Specialist, Strawberry Linden (formerly known as the popular SL blogger Strawberry Singh).

The first episode of Lab Gab will take place at 3:00 p.m Pacific Time/Second Life Time (SLT) today, Wednesday, August 28th, 2019. Here are some more details about the show from the official Linden Lab blogpost:

We’re excited to announce our very first live-streaming show – “Lab Gab” with Xiola and Strawberry Linden. We’ll be coming to you live on YouTube every two weeks or so, starting Wednesday, August 28th at 3 pm SLT/PT. You can join us for these live streams on our Official YouTube Channel here when we go live! (We’re working on bringing Lab Gab to more streaming platforms in the very near future – so stay tuned!)

What’s Lab Gab? Well, it will be a variety show of sorts – we want to explore Second Life, answer your questions, talk to Residents from all over the world, and stream it through the internet and into your homes, phones, and wherever you get your quality entertainment.

In our first show, we’ll be introducing ourselves, talking a little bit about what Lab Gab is, and interacting with you through YouTube live. In the future, we will invite special guests to come visit us on the set and talk about events and issues that impact the communities in Second Life.

As long-time Residents and now Lindens, we can’t wait to get gabbing!

Tune in at 3 pm SLT on Wednesday, August 28 for our launch and stay tuned to our social media and blog for updates about future shows.

Knowing both Xiola and Strawberry well from their time spent in Sansar (Xiola was for a time the community manager for Sansar, and Strawberry was co-host with Draxtor Despres on the long-running series Atlas Hopping in Sansar), I am delighted to see them launching a new show together! I plan on tuning in regularly.

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