Saying Good-Bye to Sansar (Part II)

I’m still feeling extremely depressed today.

Rather than continue to flip-flop on Sansar, I’m going to stick with my decision to leave the platform. I just feel heartbroken about the direction Sansar is taking, and I realize that I have been a little too emotionally invested in the platform overall (after all, Sansar was the reason I started this blog in the first place).

Sometimes, I care a little too much about things, instead of being dispassionate about them. And this time, rather than try to fix things, I just need to let things be.

In retrospect, I became the one person whom people would talk to whenever they had complaints about how Linden Lab was running Sansar, hoping that I would blog about the issues in an editorial. And sometimes I did. But over time, all I heard about Sansar was the negative things that were going on, instead of the positive things, and I can see now how that it has worn me down. When it comes to Sansar, I am completely burned out.

I have learned my lesson, and I won’t be making the same mistake with over virtual worlds I write about. In future, I will be more resolute, more dispassionate.

But today, I am feeling depressed, heartbroken, and just plain worn out—hardly the best state to start off a new year. So I will be taking a couple of days off from blogging, to give myself an opportunity to heal a bit. I’ll be back after I have had a chance to rest and recover.

As for Sansar, I am going to stick with my decision to stay away for now.