Editorial: Some Housekeeping Announcements

First, I have decided to suspend the “indefinite hiatus” business, effective immediately. I’ve noticed that I have been writing up and posting at least one blogpost a day lately, which is a sign that I’m feeling less depressed.

Also, on Friday I just gave my presentation on acedia during the coronavirus pandemic at the 10th Annual Mental Health Symposium hosted by Virtual Ability group in Second Life, which was a great success (you can watch my presentation here starting at the 6-hour-and-4-minute mark). I also finished a weeklong intensive content creation training course over in NeosVR on Friday, and I am eager to write more about Neos in the coming weeks and months!

So we’re back in business!

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

One thing that I have learned during my “indefinite hiatus” is that pretty much NOTHING can stop me from blogging about Second Life! So you can expect my coverage to continue, even as I continue to write more about other social VR platforms and virtual worlds.

Remember that I have replaced almost all of my blogging about Second Life freebies and bargains with notices posted to the new in-world RyanSchultz.com Steals, Deals & Freebies group! More information on this brand new SL group here. (Just do a keyword search for “ryanschultz”—all one word—under Groups and you’ll find my new group easily. It costs only L$50 to join, which means that I can now call myself a professional freebie fashionista! 😉 )

Moving forward, I will be focusing on two categories of worlds on my blog:

  1. Those that pay me for sponsored advertising (e.g. Sinespace) will get highest priority; in such cases I will always include a standard disclaimer at the bottom of the blogpost that it is sponsored, and by whom (my advertising rates are here); and
  2. I will also be writing more often about those platforms that intrigue and excite me. For example, I have just spent a week learning how to create content in NeosVR, and I can’t wait to show you everything I have learned!

So, fasten your seatbelts—we are off on another adventure!

Photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash
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