UPDATED: High Fidelity Sets Another Avatar Region Capacity Record: 426 Avatars!

Yesterday, High Fidelity had another one of their monthly stress tests of the platform. (They moved it to a Saturday to encourage more people to show up.)

They were able to bring together 426 avatars in a single domain (The Spot). They also had a Best Avatar Contest, and here is a picture of the contest entries:

HiFi Custom Avatar Contest 7 Oct 2018

Here’s a snapshot from High Fidelity, showing CEO Philip Rosedale addressing the crowd:

HiFi Load Test 7 Oct 2018.PNG

Frankly, I am having a bad weekend. The urologist has put me on a heavy-duty course of industrial-strength antibiotics post-surgery, and it is wreaking havoc with my body.

But I’m glad I did pop in just to experience the madness. I’m still really impressed at how well the High Fidelity platform can stand up to the stress of over 400 avatars in a single domain! Congratulations to Philip and his team.

UPDATE Oct. 9th: Here’s a one-and-a-half-hour video of the event, which gives a good sense of what an event with over 400 avatars present looks and feels like! If you don’t watch the whole thing, be sure to skip ahead to the 42:20 minute mark, where you can see the Ganesha blue elephant god avatar, which was my personal favourite of all the contest entries and the grand prize winner! The Ganesha avatar took two weeks of work in Maya and Substance Painter to create, and it features extremely well-done rigging, including flapping elephant ears and trunk movement!