NeoWorld: A Brief Introduction

Sweet minty Jesus. Not another blockchain-based virtual world?!?? Are people learning nothing from all the struggling ones already out there??

This one is called NeoWorld, from a Singapore-based company, and it has the audacity to bill itself the “First MMO/Virtual World”. (NOT.)

NeoWorld is so new that they haven’t even bothered to translate anything from Chinese into English, as you can tell by the following promotional video. The computer-generated English voice-over becomes meaningless mumbo-jumbo near the end:

“In a word, NeoWorld is compatible with all proven business models in any virtual world, including games, online community, knowledge sharing, and financial services.”

Yeah. Sure. Riiight…

Here’s a brief tutorial video (in Chinese, with English subtitles) to give you a feel for the platform:

Also, Windows 10 gave me a security warning when I tried to install their client software. Not to mention a completely mystifying account creation page. I simply gave up. And when I tried to uninstall it, I found I couldn’t do that using the Remove Programs setting under Windows, so I landed up deleting everything by hand.

I’d definitely steer clear of this one.

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