Dr. Fran’s Weekly Salon Continues in High Fidelity

If you already have an account on High Fidelity, you should know that the weekly discussion groups hosted by the indefatigable Dr. Fran are still being held every Sunday. (Unfortunately, no new user accounts can be created in High Fidelity, which has essentially shut down as of January 15th, 2020. However, if you had set up an account previously, it will still work, even though HiFi has taken down its own servers.)

The conversations are always interesting! This week’s topic of discussion is What does it mean to be objective?

Date: Today, March 1st, 2020
Time: 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Pacific Time
Place: hifi://salon.fran.thoys.nl

Dr. Fran Hosts Her Weekly Salon on the Topic: Is High Fidelity a Cult?

Dr. Fran hosts a weekly salon on the social VR platform High Fidelity, where various topics relating to technology, science, art and philosophy are discussed and debated.

And this Sunday’s topic seems, well, particularly pertinent, given all the recent travails that High Fidelity has been going through:

A few weeks ago, the topic was: Why are you still here?

Is it possible that you are here because of cult-ish leanings? What makes a cult, and what would cause YOU to be part of a cult?

IN ADDITION: This discussion can touch a bit on confirmation bias, as in: I made a choice to be a member of High Fidelity, and to admit that it is a losing proposition would mean that I am wrong about my choice.

So, am I holding on because I believe in HOLY HiFi, or maybe, I don’t want to admit that I put my hopes and dreams on the wrong virtual world? Or, is it the wrong virtual world?

The salon takes place on Sunday, October 20th, at 2:00 p.m. High Fidelity time/Pacific time, at Franny. (Unfortunately, I have a real-life event happening at the same time, so I cannot join the discussion.)

Franny — the site of Dr. Fran’s weekly salon

By the way, when I popped in-world to take this picture, I was one of a grand total of six avatars in High Fidelity on this Saturday afternoon, according to the GoTo section of their user interface tablet. Now, there might be a few more who are in unpublished domains, but you have to admit, that’s a pretty depressing figure.