Housekeeping Note: Theanine’s Guest Editorial on High Fidelity

Just tidying things up… (photo by Filip Mroz on Unsplash)

Just a quick housekeeping note.

Last December, Theanine wrote a detailed, insightful analysis titled High Fidelity—What Went Wrong? on his Medium account. I liked it so much that I asked permission to repost it as a guest editorial to this blog, and Theanine graciously agreed.

However, it can be difficult to keep two versions of any document properly synchronized, and Theanine has asked me to remove the copy on my blog, and point back to his Medium blogpost instead. So this morning, I have done so.

The stub of the original guest editorial on my blog now redirects readers to Theanine’s original Medium post.

It is an excellent write-up, and if you haven’t read it yet, go over to Medium and do so, thanks!

UPDATED! Guest Editorial by Theanine: High Fidelity—What Went Wrong?

I was planning to write up a detailed post-mortem blogpost about High Fidelity, when my friend Theanine wrote an excellent article on the same topic, and posted it to his Medium account today. Theanine wrote a well-argued, thoughtful essay, which is far, far better than anything I could have written myself, informed by his many years of working on the platform as a content creator, with his background as a game developer and a game artist.

Theanine very kindly gave me his permission to repost his work here as a guest editorial, along with his pictures.

Please note that Theanine has asked me to remove his guest editorial from here, and refer people to his original write-up on Medium. Thanks!

Sansar Top 5: Are We In a Painting?

On Friday, Sam and Boden (along with Torley as cameraman) led a whirlwind tour of five Sansar art-related experiences:

  1. IDIA Lab: Newton’s Cenotaph, by Mencius Watts
  2. 3D Mind Bending Reversperspective Art, by JackTheRipper
  3. Floating Temple, by C3rb3rus
  4. Valencia, by Theanine
  5. Mountain Cabin, created by Sam and his wife! (everybody had some technical difficulties trying to get into the same instance of this experience)

Here’s the livestream (I can’t seem to get it to start right at the beginning no matter how I embed the URL, so you might need to rewind it to the beginning):

Sansar Pick of the Day: Stereopixel Arcade

My self-imposed hiatus from Sansar meant that a number of new experiences popped up while I wasn’t paying much attention. One of them was a wonderfully nostalgic experience by Theanine, called Stereopixel Arcade. It makes extensive use of stereographic 3D media surfaces, which allows you to embed three-dimensional pictures and video in objects. (You can see an excellent example of a stereographic media surface at the Sansar Studios Creator Academy: The Hall of Materials experience.)

Note that the 3D effect is only visible if you are in a VR headset; if you are using Sansar on the desktop (non-VR), you won’t get the same stereographic effect.

If you loved and played 1980s video games, you’ll enjoy a retro trip to the Stereopixel Arcade! All the classics are represented in a recreation of an Eighties video game arcade: the Legend of Zelda, Pokémon, Dragon Quest, Metroid, Final Fantasy, and of course, Super Mario!

Stereopixel Arcade 1 23 Feb 2018.png

There’s also a disco dancefloor in day-glo colours, right next to a supersized, old-time Nintendo entertainment system:

Stereopixel Arcade 2 23 Feb 2018.png

If you’re pining for a return to the Eighties, be sure to pay Stereopixel Arcade a visit!