HoverDerby Thoughts and Thank Yous

HoverDerbuy VIP Lounge 9 Apr 2018.png

The VIP Lounge in HoverDerby (picture by Mijeka Munro)

Just a few thoughts this morning, after yesterday’s highly successful second official HoverDerby tournament.

First, congratulations to Syn and SaintOfMirren for winning prizes in the tournament! Well played!

Second, congratulations to Jasmine, Galen, and Drax for doing all the work involved in building the HoverDerby experience and promoting it. They have done an outstanding job! A lot of work also went into the Drax’s livestream of yesterdays event, and I was impressed by it (even with the occasional audio and video problems). Kudos to everyone!

Third, if you haven’t seen my meltdown, go watch the video. At the beginning of the show, the spectators in the HoverDerby Lounge couldn’t hear the livestream, and I was frantically trying to alert Drax about the problem. I was having some trouble getting back into the HoverDerby experience, and by the time I actually reached Drax, I was so insistent that people knew about the problem that I was literally SCREAMING over everybody else to make myself heard! It’s actually pretty funny in retrospect; I just completely lost it! And even worse, it’s recorded for posterity. I will NEVER live it down!

Finally, yesterday’s tournament had the feeling of something significant. As I milled about with everybody else in the VIP lounge afterwards, I realized that we really were all participating in something innovative, something noteworthy: a historic esports event in the early history of the metaverse! And we were having fun while doing it, too!

And I realized something else, too. I realized that I had made so many new friends among all the people who, week in and week out, have been tirelessly building Sansar to the level it is at now, where something like HoverDerby was possible. Not just possible, but AMAZING! It’s been a long road since the early days of the beta, but the future looks promising indeed, with such a dedicated group working together. Thank you to all of you for helping make Sansar the wonderful place that it is!

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