Sansar Pick of the Day: Susan’s Diary

Today I went exploring in Sansar, and I came across a sinister world called Susan’s Diary, designed by Sergio Delacruz (who previously created worlds such as Day 24: The Escape and the creepy Orphanage of Angels).

Susan’s Diary consists of a series of puzzles that you have to solve, to figure out what happened to Susan and her dolls. Every so often, you will encounter a stray page from her diary, which you can pick up and read for clues.

The world is masterfully done, with all kinds of touches that add to the foreboding atmosphere, like flying crows and candles you can blow out and relight! (Here’s a hint to get you started: you’re going to need that well to find the first key.)

I would have been lost without the assistance of another person who had already been through the various steps. Even so, we struggled at times to solve the puzzles. (At one step, it helps if you can read music.) The fiendishly clever puzzles reminded me of the classic games Riven and Myst (high praise indeed!).

Be sure to put on your thinking cap and pay Susan’s Diary a visit! See if you can make it all the way to the end. There’s a very satisfying and dramatic conclusion.

Sansar Pick of the Day: Orphanage of Angels

Orphanage of Angels is a new horror Sansar experience created by Sergio Delacruz.

In his description, Sergio sets the scene:

In 1961, in the St. Croce orphanage (Italy) twelve children and five sisters disappeared. Research continued in the institute and surrounding territories for two years, with no results until 1970, when, in a niche of a basement, were found several children’s bones. For that reason, the institute was renamed “Orphanage of Angels”. What happened there?

You start off in a small urban apartment in the present day. There’s a bulletin board on the wall, with old news clippings and photographs of the orphanage. As you approach the door of the apartment, it automatically opens onto a hallway leading to a glowing entrance portal. As you cross it, you are transported to the Orphanage of Angels.

Orphanage of Angels 1 18 Feb 2018

There is a truly creepy atmosphere in this experience, as you explore the abandoned orphanage, trying to figure out what happened here. The orphanage is dimly lit, and there is a thunderstorm raging outside. Occasionally a lightning flash illuminates the interior.

Orphanage of Angels 2 18 Feb 2018.png

One feature that I saw here, that I haven’t yet seen in any other experience, is the clever use of pop-up messages which appear on your screen (or in your VR headset) at certain locations:

Orphanage of Angels 3 18 Feb 2018

I won’t spoil the experience by giving too much away. Be sure to explore every part of this orphanage, and don’t forget the basement! This is a very well-done, atmospheric experience and Sergio is to be commended for this work in pulling all this together. The question is: are your nerves up for Orphanage of Angels?