VRChat Pick of the Day: Virtual Market 3

This evening, Jin led a group tour of various worlds associated with the Japanese anime avatar market, Virtual Market 3 (I blogged about Virtual Market 2 here). Once again, it was a truly mind-blowing experience.

CastelloMagica Hall at Virtual Market 3

Our group visited several worlds, each with a different theme, each with dozens of vendor booths selling avatars and avatar accessories:

Jin took this picture of us visiting the Shibuya by Night world at Virtual Market 3

Virtual Market 3 is on only on from Sept. 21st to Sept. 25th, so hurry down!

Oh, and did I mention? 7-11 is an official sponsor of the event! There’s a Japanese 7-11 store in each world of the Virtual Market!

Here’s a couple of selfies Jin took of our group as we explored various Virtual Market worlds:

We kept changing avatars as well tried on demo versions at the various vendor booths! (I’m the anime Victorian lady’s maid in black and white in the bottom-most picture.)

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