“The pioneers are the ones with the arrows in their backs,” Part Two

It would appear that the Strange Lights experience where we were supposed to have our in-world meetings has been taken down:

Experience Not Found 15 August 2017

Oops Error 15 August 2017

We’ve discovered something flaky with this experience’s Atlas listing. If you select it from the in-app Atlas, it loads okay. But, if you click the Copy URL button and then try to get to it from a web browser, it gives you the Oops error message seen above.

Today, the experience’s voice server and region server kept crashing on us. After the third crash, I just gave up trying to get back into the in-world meetup. I’ll post to the Sansar Newsblog if Jenn changes the location of the rest of the meetups this week.

Update: Today’s meetup (Tuesday, August 15th) was moved to the Astro Port experience. We will try again tomorrow at the Strange Lights experience.



Can You Get Laid in Sansar?

In a word, no.

There’s an interesting discussion over on the Sansar subreddit about adult content and Sansar: Can you get laid in Sansar?

This topic (adult content in Sansar) has been discussed at the daily in-world meetups which Jenn, the Lead Community Manager for Sansar, hosts.

Second Life got a bad reputation in many circles for its adult content, dating back to the infamous flying penis attack on Second Life landlady Anshe Chung while she was being interviewed (the following YouTube video is NOT safe for work):

There was also a child porn scandal back in 2007, which was a public relations nightmare for Linden Lab at the time.

You could argue that Second Life never really recovered its reputation after that. In many peoples’ minds, SL became synonymous with sex and sex only. It’s true. As a result, many people who otherwise would have been attracted to SL stayed away.

Linden Lab has made it clear that they do not intend to repeat this mistake. They said that they are NOT allowing adult content in Sansar until they have strong controls in place that restrict access to that adult content. LL is not stupid, and they know that sex sells. They just don’t want to open the gates until they’re ready.

Three Rules for Internet Success

I have long had a saying that a friend thinks I should have printed on a T-shirt:

There are three rules to Internet success. 
1. Get there early.
2. Show up.
3. Have something to say.

You could argue that they are three rules to any kind of success, but I think they apply best to the Internet. The early bird gets the biggest market share (e.g. Facebook). Reliability (uptime) marks a successful website. And if you don’t have good content, what is the point?

Well, I showed up early for Sansar. Super early! And I do hope that I am delivering good content!

I am off to a good start, and the Sansar Newsblog’s traffic is building slowly over time. Here are my daily traffic stats so far:Sansar Newsblog Daily Visitor Stats 15 August 2017

As you can see, I still haven’t hit my first goal of 500 views per day. You can help me with that. Please tell your friends about the Sansar Newsblog and spread the word in social media. Thank you!




Pick of the Day: Astro Port

Today’s Pick of the Day is Astro Port, by Sansar user Mold3D. The experience is a futuristic spaceport, with posters advertising travel to other planets, and a passageway leading to an interactive ball-toss game. (Unfortunately, you do have to have a VR headset with hand controllers to be able to pick up and toss the balls. Desktop users do not yet have this functionality, but Linden Lab has said that they are working towards feature parity between VR and non-VR platforms.)

Here’s the video of me in a spacesuit, wandering around the Astro Port. By pressing the right thumbstick on the Oculus Touch hand controllers, I can switch from third-person mode (you can see my avatar) to first-person mode (you see from my avatar’s viewpoint) and back. I am in third-person mode when walking around the spaceport, then I switch to first-person mode when I pick up the pink neon ball, then I switch back to third-person mode to throw the ball. Cool! (My aim is terrible!)