Atlas Hopping with Drax and Berry, Episode 3

Brryn Oh's An Evening at the Ballet Atlas Hopping 19 August 2017

Caption: Bryn Oh’s experience An Evening at the Ballet

Today we visited no less than six different experiences in our Atlas Hopping adventure! Unfortunately, Draxtor Despres could not join us for most of it! Drax is currently on holidays in Slovenia and he was trying to connect to Sansar using his laptop on the hotel’s wifi, and he had a very poor Internet connection.

But Strawberry was a great hostess and she led us on a tour of the following six experiences:

  1. An Evening at the Ballet, by Bryn Oh
  2. Colossus Rising, by Sansar Studios
  3. Clockworks Club Demo, by Galen
  4. The Neighborhood, by BlackNewsMan
  5. Accuracy Training Module, by Nebulae
  6. Little Holland, by Richardus Raymaker

You can watch Strawberry’s live stream of our travels here (this YouTube video is 1 hour and 15 minutes long):


Pick of the Day: Moya Museum

Moya Museum 1 19 August 2017

Patrick Moya is a French artist who is already well-known in virtual worlds such as Second Life (and the now-shuttered Cloud Party) for his museum installations, often making oversized, playful works of art using the four letters of his last name. Patrick has now set up an art gallery in Sansar, called the Moya Museum.

You can walk around in the main museum building, viewing a small collection of his pictures and sculptures. The lighting is a little dim for my tastes, but he has placed spotlights over his paintings so you can see them clearly enough.

Moya Museum 3 19 August 2017

Outside the museum is a smaller building called La Chapelle MOYA. It’s a virtual version of an actual chapel in the small French village of Clans, the interior of which Patrick decorated with frescoes.

Moya Museum 4 19 August 2017

Moya Museum is an interesting place to wander around, and well worth a visit.

Moya Museum 5 19 August 2017.png

Atlas Hopping with Berry and Drax August 19th

Atlas Hopping

You are invited to come join us on another Atlas Hopping adventure with Draxtor Despres and Strawberry Singh! We will all meet up in-world at the 114 Harvest Experience at 11:00 a.m. Pacific Time/Sansar Time today, August 19th, 2017, and proceed from there to explore three Sansar experiences.