Atlas Hopping with Drax and Strawberry (Episode Two) on Thursday August 10th

After our highly enjoyable first foray into Atlas Hopping last Saturday, Draxtor Despres has announced that he, Strawberry Singh, me, and whoever else wants to join us, are going on another Atlas Hopping adventure this coming Thursday, August 10th at 9:00 a.m. Sansar time (Pacific Time). Come join us in-world at Drax’s 114 Harvest experience, which will be our starting point for our metaverse (mis)adventures.

If you cannot join us in-world, then watch either Drax’s or Strawberry’s live streaming of the event on YouTube (here’s Drax’s channel and here’s Strawberry’s channel). We had great fun at our last Atlas Hopping event, so please come out and join us!

Update August 10th: Strawberry Singh has written a great post on her blog about this! She and Drax are now planning to do a weekly show on Saturdays called Atlas-Hopping in Sansar with Berry and Drax!

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