Scene of the Day: Strange Lights

Strange Lights Sansar 17 August 2017

Today’s Scene of the Day is from the wonderfully atmospheric Sansar experience Strange Lights, by Loki Eliot. This picture was taken by Second Life and Sansar user Lenni Foxtrot and posted to the Sansar group on Facebook today. Strange Lights has also been the site for our 3:00 p.m. Pacific Time/Sansar Time daily in-world meetups this week, hosted by Jenn, the Lead Community Manager for Sansar. (Unfortunately, this experience has also been crashing quite regularly, so the meetups have often been moved over to the Astro Port experience. If you can’t find us in Strange Lights, look for us today in Astro Port.)

One of the interesting differences between VR and desktop (non-VR) users of Sansar is the different way that “god rays” (like the ones in this photo) appear. When I visit Strange Lights while wearing my Oculus Rift VR headset, I do not see the “god rays” the same way that a desktop user of Sansar sees them.

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